Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Difference between truth and fiction

In Journalism, there seems to be a stark contrast between what is truth and fiction. In commercial Journalism, the journalists gravitate towards any leads to make their story seem appealing or on the edge. They often do not know what is really going on behind the scenes and don't know the truth of the situation. For example, in State of Play, the journalists on the television covering the story of the the killing of the woman did not really know what happened to her and kept jumping to false conclusions. The guy who had relations with her found a video tape of her after her death, meaning that the puzzle still had not been solved.

Contrasting that, in the Pulitzer prize story, the photo journalist knew exactly what was going on. He was on the inside of the story and was really there and got concrete pictures to support his validity. Small-time, local journalists give a voice and a heads up on the situation that bigger news sources simply cannot.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Guest Speaker: Web Journalism

Associated Press

Louisiana residents jittery over Mississippi flooding

By Ashley Hayes

As the Mississippi River was cresting Tuesday near Memphis, Tennessee, residents downstream in low-lying Louisiana were eying the rising waters nervously -- and worried about a plan to open a spillway, which is expected to trigger flooding in southern portions of the state.

Web Journalism seems like a very exciting aspect of Journalism. HTML and CSS is something that I have had some hands-on experience in and its very interesting working in this division.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Response to techniques used by Bernstein and Woodward

The techniques that Woodward and Bernstein used to get information was admirable, even though they were questionable. The number game used seemed incredibly dubious. Anybody would question this and think about the credibility of such a method to get answers.

Their method of getting information was tiresome and extremely repetitive as some sources did not give them credible information. Deep Throat was somebody who helped tremendously and Bernstein was incredibly grateful to him because of it. If it was not for him, their whole story would most likely fall apart on itself.

One has to commend the two reporters though because they stuck through with the story no matter what and got through with it despite all their false leads and misinformation. Searching for information through stacks of Library card check-outs seems incredibly daunting and one painful process. But the two reporters looked through them and kept at it. Also, finding the right sources, the right leads, and the people with the right information had to be repetitive as well. Especially being under pressure by your own government and being wire taped had to be incredibly disheartening if one likes the president Nixon.

All of this can be summed up to say that one should not be so willing to bow down to the feet of their government. Government officials put on a facade for the American people, more often than not, and many things we probably will never hear about go on behind closed doors. Even though this kind of journalism is incredibly hard, it is commendable as it grasps for the real truth behind matters.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Watergate Burglary Response

The connection between the White House and the Watergate Burglary is simply astounding. The two journalists who pursued this story were very tenacious and never gave up trying to try and get the facts of this story. It was a long and drawn out process for them trying to find the right leads and the people who knew the right information. I admire that they never gave up on it, even if the facts weren't so evident for them when they started.

The Watergate Burglary story is something that tells the truth of a situation, instead of fabricated lies like in other stories of the newspaper where people give false information on them. I learned that the reporter needs to be steadfast and pursue the right leads and the right information that holds up so that there are no loop holes or inconsistency in their story. Overall, this has opened my eyes to the world of reporting and how dedicated one has to be to pursue the right leaks and people. A reporter needs to seek the truth and they can't settle for anything less.